Sunday, 3 November 2019

Popular angular interview questions

What are the benefits of Angular?
What are prerequisites for building a new angular application?
What is a component in Angular?
How to create a new angular application?
How to add Bootstrap to angular application?
What the building block of an angular application?
Describe how a component works in angular?
How an angular application executes?
What is selector in Component?
When to use templateUrl instead of template in angular?
What are the differences between template and templateUrl properties and when to use one over the other?
What is data binding in angular?

What is a directive? How many types of directives are present in angular?
What is component directive?
What is attribute directive?
What is structural directive?
What is ngFor trackBy in angular?
How to create custom directives?
How to create custom attribute directive?
How to create custom structural directive?
What is the meaning of using * (Star) with structural directive?
When to use string interpolation vs attribute binding vs property binding?
Describe the module. How it works?
What is the need of more module in an angular application?
What are the feature modules?
What is a service?
What is dependency injection in angular?
Describe the component life cycle hook in angular?
What is the difference between component and directive in angular?
Describe the pipe. How it works?
How to create a custom pipe?
How to pass data from one component to another component?
How to pass data form parent component to child component?
How to pass data form child component to parent component?
What is angular reactive form?
How to create an angular reactive form?
How to create an angular reactive form with client-side validations?
How to add validation logic dynamically in reactive forms?
How to achieve cross field validations in reactive forms?
How to create a custom validator in angular?
How to pass paraments to custom validator in angular?
How to make a custom validator logic to reusable in angular application?
What is FormArray in angular forms?
What is the difference between a FormGroup and a FormArray?
How to add controls dynamically in angular forms?
How to apply validation logic to dynamically created controls in angular forms?
How to remove dynamically created controls from angular forms?
What are the difference between RxJS 5 vs RxJS 6 ?
What is feature module in angular and why it is re uired?
What is the difference between FormBuilder and FormControl? When to use one over another?
What is angular CLI?
How to install angular CLI?
How to create a new project using angular CLI?
What are the different options can be used with CLI ng new Command?
How to generate a new component?
How to generate a new Service?
How to generate a new module using angular CLI?
How to generate a new directive, pipe, routing guards using angular CLI?
How to generate a class, interface and enum using angular CLI?
What is Linting?
What are tslint rules?
How to compile and run an angular application locally on your development machine?
What happens behind the scenes when we compile and run an angular application?
What is bundling and why is it important for performance?
What are angular CLI ng serve options?
How to compile an angular application
What are the differences between dev build and prod build?
What are the differences between AOT and JIT?
How to deploy an angular application in to IIS?
How to create custom directives?
How to create custom attribute directive?
How to create custom structural directive?
What is the meaning of using * (Star) with structural directive?
Describe the module. How it works?
What is the need of more module in an angular application?
What are the feature modules?

How to generate a class, interface and enum using angular CLI?

To generate a class, use
ng generate class className
ng g cl className

For example, to generate an employee class use
ng g cl employee

The above command places the employee class directly in the "app" folder. Instead if you want the employee class in a different folder, simply prefix the name of the folder. The command below creates a folder with name "employee" and then creates the "employee" class in it.

ng g cl employee/employee

By default, a spec file is not created for the class. If you want a spec file to be generated set --spec option to true.

ng g cl employee/employee --spec=true

To generate an interface use

ng generate interface interfaceName
ng g i interfaceName

To generate an enum use

ng generate enum enumName
ng g e enumName

How to generate a new module using angular CLI?

Like component and services, we can create module in the same way. Below are the commands

ng g m students -d -m=app.module
ng g m students -d -m=app.module --spec=true
ng g m students -d -m=app.module --spec=true --flat=true
ng g m students -m=app.module --spec=true --flat=true

How to generate a new Service?

To generate a service, we use

ng generate service serviceName 
ng g s serviceName

While creating a service it will not register with app.module.ts file. We can instruct angular CLI to register while creating the service. But below command works with angular 2 and 4 not in latest version of angular CLI.

All the options which are valid for creating a component are applicable for service as well. So, we can use those command with service as well.

How to generate a new component using angular CLI?

Below are the commands to create a new component
ng generate component abc

You can tell the angular CLI to place a component at a particular folder. If folder is existing then it will place there or else it will create a new folder for you and place the component at there.

If you do not want to create a component in its own folder then you may do this by using below command. In this case component is created under app folder.

If you do not want to create the spec files (used for unit testing), use below command.

In the above it says spec is deprecated and we can use skipTests instead of this.

We can use -d option which stands for dry run. Means it will show you what angular CLI will do for you.

To use sass instead of CSS with your component, use the --style=scss flag with ng generate command. If you want less use --style=less

What are the different options can be used with CLI ng new Command?

Below are default values, alias and a short description which can be used with ng new command to create a new project.

Run through without making any changes. Just reports the files that will be created
Skip installing packages
Skip creating tests
Use inline styles when generating the new application
Use inline templates when generating the new project

How to create a new project using angular CLI?

To create a new project, open the command prompt in admin mode and run the below command.
c \>ng new MyFirstApp

It will create a brand-new project with all required configuration and packages.
To open the source code using visual code navigate to project folder
c \>cd MyFirstApp
c \> MyFirstApp>code .

It will open the source code in the visual studio code editor.

To run the project use below command.
c \> MyFirstApp>ng serve –open


c \> MyFirstApp>ng s –o

To run all the unit tests, use the following command
ng test

To run all the end-to-end tests, use the following command
ng e2e

How to install angular CLI?

To install Angular CLI you should have installed Node 6.9.0 or higher, and NPM 3 or higher. To check the versions that you have on your machine type the following commands in a command window.
·       node -v 
·       npm -v

Once you have Node and NPM installed. Run Command Prompt as an administrator and execute the following command. Flag -g installs Angular CLI globally on your machine.
npm install -g @angular/cli

You can also use i as shortcut for install. So, the above command can also be rewritten as shown below

npm i -g @angular/cli

To verify the version of Angular CLI installed, execute the following command
ng -v

Angular CLI should be installed globally so that it will be available to all the project. If you install only for project specific then it will not available for other projects.

What is angular CLI?

Manually setting up an Angular application from scratch is a laborious and time-consuming process. You have to manually write all the boilerplate code yourself, which is not only monotonous but also time consuming. Angular CLI is such a tool. It helps us create angular applications, components, modules, pipes, directives, services and much more with great speed and consistency while still following the angular teams’ best practices and conventions.

·       CLI stands for Command Line Interface. So Angular CLI is command line tool the help us 
·       Create Angular applications faster and with great consistency
·       Create the boiler plate code for angular features like components, directives, pipes, services etc.
·       Create boiler plate code for TypeScript features like classes, interfaces, enums etc.
·       It follows angular best practices and conventions out of the box
·       Run Unit and End-to-End (e2e) tests
·       Create optimised builds for deployment to production

What are different ways to pass data from one component to other component ?

There are several techniques to pass data between components in angular. If the components are nested, then there is a parent child relationship between those components. 

To pass data from the parent to child component we use input properties

To pass data from the child component to parent component we can either use output properties or template reference variables. 

Below is the summery:

Passing data from Parent Component to Child Component

Input Properties (@Input())

Passing data from Child Component to Parent Component

Output Properties (@Output())
Template Reference Variables

Passing data from Component to Component (No parent child relation)

Angular Service
Required Route Parameters
Optional Route Parameters
Query Parameters

What is two-way data binding in angular?

Two-way data binding: One of powerful feature of angular is two-way data binding where both view template and component class get effected when some changes occurred. See the below example

The above code will not work as it is using [(ngModel)] because this is not available and not known to the angular. To work this, we need to add FormsModule references into AppModule.ts file.

Here are the steps to import FormsModule into AppModule

1. Open 
app.module.ts file
2. Include the following import statement in it
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
3. Also, include FormsModule in the 'imports' array of @NgModule
    imports  [

What is event binding in angular?

Event Binding:  Below all are one direction data binding where data binds from component to view template i.e. to HTML

1. Interpolation
2. Property Binding
3. Attribute Binding
4. Class Binding
5. Style Binding

But in some cases, we need binding from view template to component class. This means let say we have a button click event. As per the click event the changes need to happen in the view template. In this case data should flow from view template to component. For this we can use event binding.
Below is the example